Park Lane Primary

Opening Times

Infants (school open to children 31hrs 40mins per week)

Start of day- The Infant gate on Corwen Road will be opened to parents and children at 8.35am each morning. Reception parents can walk their children to their drop off area. Year 1 and Year 2 parents say goodbye to their children on the playground and they enter through the library door. Registration begins at 8.50am and the gate is closed at 8.45am. Any children arriving after this time need to come to the main yellow gates and sign in the office. 

End of day- The Corwen Road gate will be opened to parents at 3.05pm. Reception children are collected from outside the Reception classrooms and will finish at 3.15pm. Year 1 and year 2 parents please wait on the playground and your class teacher will bring the children out at 3.15pm. 

Juniors (school open to children 32hrs 30mins)

Start of day- The doors are opened to children at 8.40am to go to class. Children can enter through the big gates on Downing Road. Any children on the playground before this need to be supervised by a parent or carer as there are no staff out on duty. Registration starts at 8.55am and the gates will be closed at 9am. Any children arriving after this time need to be taken to the front entrance and signed in. 

End of day- The gates on Downing Road will be opened at 3.20pm and parents are to wait on the playground at their designated year group pick up. Children will be brought to the playground to meet parents at 3.25pm. 

Please be aware Park Lane is a School Street and Downing Road is closed to traffic (aside from residents or permitted vehicles) before and after school (8.30-9am and 3-3.30pm) . Therefore, parents can not enter or exit the road to drop off and pick up.